Saturday, September 29, 2018


Visions of Daughters of Albion, Plate 2, (E 47) 
"They told me that I had five senses to inclose me up.
And they inclos'd my infinite brain into a narrow circle," 
British Museum
Small Book of Designs
From Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Plate 4
Phrase in context: 
Visions of Daughters of Albion, Plate 2, (E 47) 
"They told me that the night & day were all that I could see;     
They told me that I had five senses to inclose me up.
And they inclos'd my infinite brain into a narrow circle,
And sunk my heart into the Abyss, a red round globe hot burning
Till all from life I was obliterated and erased.
Instead of morn arises a bright shadow, like an eye              
In the eastern cloud: instead of night a sickly charnel house;
That Theotormon hears me not! to him the night and morn
Are both alike: a night of sighs, a morning of fresh tears;"

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