Friday, July 24, 2020


National Gallery
                     WB inv 1780                           
"Albion rose from where he labourd at the Mill with Slaves
Giving himself for the Nations he danc'd the dance of
Eternal Death"
After Blake collected a group of images from works he had already printed to comprise the Small Book of Designs for Ozias Humphry, he composed another group known as the Large Book of Designs. The order which Blake intended these images to follow is unknown. I have chosen an order that follows the pattern of disintegration of the whole person in a series of stages. The final image introduces the possibility of reversing the process by increasing consciousness.   

1) Albion Rose
2) Urizen Falling
3) Orc
4) Oothoon Chained
5) Accusers
6) Bromion, Oothoon,Theotormon
7) Thiralatha
8) Preaching to the inhabitants of Britain

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