Four Zoas, Night VII, Page, 98, (E 390)
"Enitharmon spread her beaming locks upon the wind & said
O Lovely terrible Los wonder of Eternity O Los my defence &
Thy works are all my joy. & in thy fires my soul delights
If mild they burn in just proportion & in secret night
And silence build their day in shadow of soft clouds & dews
Then I can sigh forth on the winds of Golgonooza piteous forms
That vanish again into my bosom but if thou my Los
Wilt in sweet moderated fury. fabricate forms sublime
Such as the piteous spectres may assimilate themselves into
They shall be ransoms for our Souls that we may live
So Enitharmon spoke & Los his hands divine inspired began
To modulate his fires studious the loud roaring flames
He vanquishd with the strength of Art bending their iron points
And drawing them forth delighted upon the winds of Golgonooza
From out the ranks of Urizens war & from the fiery lake
Of Orc bending down as the binder of the Sheaves follows
The reaper in both arms embracing the furious raging flames
Los drew them forth out of the deeps planting his right foot firm
Upon the Iron crag of Urizen thence springing up aloft
Into the heavens of Enitharmon in a mighty circle
And first he drew a line upon the walls of shining heaven
And Enitharmon tincturd it with beams of blushing love
It remaind permanent a lovely form inspird divinely human
Dividing into just proportions Los unwearied labourd
The immortal lines upon the heavens till with sighs of love
Sweet Enitharmon mild Entrancd breathd forth upon the wind
The spectrous dead Weeping the Spectres viewd the immortal works
Of Los Assimilating to those forms Embodied & Lovely
In youth & beauty in the arms of Enitharmon mild reposing
First Rintrah & then Palamabron drawn from out the ranks of war
In infant innocence reposd on Enitharmons bosom
Orc was comforted in the deeps his soul revivd in them
As the Eldest brother is the fathers image So Orc became
As Los a father to his brethren & he joyd in the dark lake
Tho bound with chains of Jealousy & in scales of iron & brass
But Los loved them & refusd to Sacrifice their infant limbs
And Enitharmons smiles & tears prevaild over self protection
They rather chose to meet Eternal death than to destroy
The offspring of their Care & Pity Urthonas spectre was comforted
But Tharmas most rejoicd in hope of Enions return
For he beheld new Female forms born forth upon the air
Who wove soft silken veils of covering in sweet rapturd trance
Mortal & not as Enitharmon without a covering veil
First his immortal spirit drew Urizen[s] Shadow away
From out the ranks of war separating him in sunder
Leaving his Spectrous form which could not be drawn away
Then he divided Thiriel the Eldest of Urizens sons
Urizen became Rintrah Thiriel became Palamabron
Thus dividing the powers of Every Warrior
Startled was Los he found his Enemy Urizen now
In his hands. he wonderd that he felt love & not hate
His whole soul loved him he beheld him an infant
Lovely breathd from Enitharmon he trembled within himself"
End of The Seventh Night
Enitharmon overcomes her fear of the longterm consequences of the sin of eating the fruit. She focuses her attention on Los in his best light as her defense and guide, and as a creative producer. She recognizes that she and Los (as space and time) have different gifts. She wants him to work with her but sees that his unmoderated fury would blow her away. She is reacting as her own pity to his wrath.
As space without time, Enitharmon can produce forms but they have no extensions in time, disappearing as soon as they are formed. The two of them together could produce lasting forms which could be occupied by the Spectres of the dead. They begin by Los drawing a line upon the walls of shining heaven which 'Enitharmon tincturd it with beams of blushing love.' These activities remind us of the art which William and Catherine cooperated in producing. They are both delighted with their offspring which they see as infant innocents whom they love.
Unexpected benefits result from these activities. The sons of Los (Rintrah, Palamabron, and Orc) are drawn into the orbit of Los's creative benevolence. The Spectre of Urthona, Tharmas and Urizen himself become part of a circle of love which has been created.
Repeating the last phrase from the quote:
"His whole soul loved him he beheld him an infant
Lovely breathd from Enitharmon he trembled within himself"

SO JUDGED HE MAN, Paradise Lost, Click on Picture for detail.
Blake called generation a mercy. This passage suggests that it has been undertaken willingly and with joy.
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