Blake seeks to provide the Golden String which can lead us through the labyrinth of our experience or his own poetry.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


Four Zoas, Night I, Page 21 [22], (E 312) 
"Jerusalem his Emanation is become a ruin  
Her little ones are slain on the top of every street
And she herself le[d] captive & scatterd into the indefinite
Gird on thy sword O thou most mighty in glory & majesty
Destroy these opressors of Jerusalem & those who ruin Shiloh     

So spoke the Messengers of Beulah. Silently removing
The Family Divine drew up the Universal tent
Above High Snowdon & closd the Messengers in clouds around
Till the time of the End. Then they Elected Seven. called the Seven
Eyes of God & the Seven lamps of the Almighty                    
The Seven are one within the other the Seventh is named Jesus

The Lamb of God blessed for ever & he followd the Man
Who wanderd in mount Ephraim seeking a Sepulcher
His inward eyes closing from the Divine vision & all
His children wandering outside from his bosom fleeing away

End of The First Night"

Blake explored the fall of Tharmas and its immediate consequences in Night I of the Four Zoas. He ended on a positive note by indicating that guidance and protection would be provided for Albion as he wandered in the world of mortality.

The suffering brought about by the fall of Tharmas was most obvious in Jerusalem, the spiritual dimension of the Divine Humanity. Although at the Eternal level, she slumbered through the turmoil of Albion's ordeal, in the world of experience she suffered from the inability to be active among her children, and to be recognized as a saving force. Although the Messengers from Beulah would have chosen violence to avenge her, that path was not taken. The Family Divine withdrew from the ensuing calamities but left a remnant of Seven representatives to provide sanctuary for Albion.

We are reminded that Jerusalem in addition to being the portion of Man which is often called his Soul, is also a city within which in found the temple of the children on Israel. The holy Ark of the Covenant, symbolizing God's Justice and Mercy, lay in the innermost portion of the temple providing the spiritual heart of the people.

The mentions of Shiloh and mount Ephraim are further examples of Blake's use of biblical locations to enhance the connection between events within Man, in the Britain (High Snowdon) of his day, and in biblical Israel. 

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