Blake seeks to provide the Golden String which can lead us through the labyrinth of our experience or his own poetry.

Thursday, September 20, 2018


There are various short passages in Blake (as there are in the Bible, in Shakespeare, in Dickens and in other favorite pieces of literature) which lodge in our memories and are recalled at appropriated times to lead us, to strengthen us or to reinforce our resolve. I've chosen some of these statement and added an image to each to further reinforce their power to be a part of the intuitive resources which influence our living.
 Jerusalem, Plate 77, (E 231)
"I give you the end of a golden string,
Only wind it into a ball:
It will lead you in at Heavens gate,
Built in Jerusalems wall."
British Museum
Illustrations to Young's Night Thoughts


  1. Thank you for this, I read your posts everyday for inspiration!

    1. Thanks for reading. Hearing from you encourages me to keep studying Blake and looking for more things I can learn from him.

